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"We could easily be

as fragile as snow

when sun comes in

and melts our heart"


KATAR(T)SKI (derived from the Greek kátharsis) is the artistic work of the Belgian painter, composer and writer I.D. (1973) from Zingem, East-Flanders.


"Every canvas, every work of art, each title, phrase or composition, they are merely the pieces of an unlabeled puzzle. My poems and musical wanderings serve as the subtitles and soundtracks to my art, like shortcuts that lead to a better understanding of the core of my work."  (I.D.)

The artwork of KATAR(T)SKI is exhibited in Belgium and abroad, was seen previously on television and featured in a number of leading international publications.

"I prefer to look at ART as an abbreviation, in my case, one that stands for Abstract Renditions of Truth. After all, everything I create is some kind of representation of what I truly sense deep inside."  (I.D.)

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